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Working Out to Get Out

10 Exercises for a Better Next Adventure

What does ‘working out’ look like for Vuori CEO Joe Kudla? Lots of things. Some days it means trail running, mountain biking, or even an all-day surf session. But on others, it means putting in the work in the gym so he can be at his best when it’s time to get outside.

Every exercise you see here is great prep for any number of outdoor activities, and each movement is sure to leave you feeling plenty sore.

Jump Rope for Warm Up (30 seconds on, 30 off, 3 sets)

Jumping rope has long been touted as one of the best means by which to encourage coordination. It also strengthens the muscles surrounding the foot and ankle joints, and can help decrease foot and ankle injuries.

Partner Med Ball Throw and Twist (10 throws each side, 3 sets)

Choose a medicine ball with enough weight that it creates resistance, but not too heavy that it strains the back. Stand roughly 6 feet from your partner, draw the ball across the body in a twisting motion, then release and pass to your partner. Throw the ball back and forth. Repeat on other side.


Step Ups with Kettlebells (3 sets: 10x Each Leg)

First, choose an appropriate box/step height for this exercise. We suggest a box or step that hits around the mid- to high-calf to start. Then, pick two kettlebells of light to moderate weight. Begin step ups by placing the majority of your weight on the midfoot or heel of your supporting leg, and engage the glute upon stepping onto the box. Keep the chest up. Step down, switch legs, repeat.

Box Jumps (3 sets: 8x)

As you did for the step up exercises, start by choosing a box whose height isn’t intimidating. Stand in front of it with your feet shoulder-width apart, swing your arms, and jump up. Land softly, with your feet flat and knees slightly bent, arms outstretched. Jump back down, repeat.

Kettlebell Thrust (3 sets: 8x)

Stand over the weight with feet high-width apart, chest up and shoulders back and down. You’ll want a bell that’s light enough that you’re able to swing it with little difficulty, as technique is what’s really important here. Squat down, grip the kettlebell with your palms facing in, and swing. Keep your arms loose, shoulder blades squeezing together. Drive through the hells and explode through the hips. Let it descend. As the kettlebell transitions from backward (between the legs) to forward (up by the chest) be sure to drive through the heels and hips. Repeat.

Alternating Jumping Lunges (20x each leg, 2 sets)

To start, place the feet at hip distance apart. Extend one foot in front of the other roughly two or more feet and lower down into a lunge (back knee should barely touch the ground at full extension). Drive your body off the ground and into the air, switching legs as you descend. Alternate sides.

Russian Twists with Plate (25x, 2 sets)

First, sit on the floor with your legs fully extended and upper body upright. Grab the plate of desired weight by its sides with both hands out in front of you. Your arms should be slightly bent towards the chest. Cross the legs at the ankles and bring them off the ground. Move the plate to one side, touching the floor slightly, then the other, controlling the movement every time. Repeat.

Push-Up with Leg to Elbow (10x, 2 sets)

Begin at the top of a push-up position, keeping your back straight. Lower the torso towards the floor almost entirely as you would during a standard push-up. At the bottom of the exercise, bring your knee to the outside of the elbow. Then, return the leg to the starting position. Extend through your elbows until you reach the top of the push-up again. Alternate sides on each repetition.

Kettlebell Snatch (5x, 3 sets)

Choose a kettlebell of moderate weight, anything that doesn’t stress the lower back. Start with the kettlebell on the floor in front of you. Feet at hip distance, grip the kettlebell and begin to swing it back as you stand, loading the hips with weight. Keep the arm in use nearly in constant-contact with the body and extend the knees and hips. The kettlebell will pull you forward slightly as it ascends over the head. From this lock-out position, drop the kettlebell back down by turning the palm inwards and leaning the shoulders and upper body back slightly.

Note: Of all of Joe’s exercise, this is the most advanced and may require professional assistance.